Altered Auto Egos
Altered Auto Egos are portraits of cars that I shot in 2010 at an Evansville IN vintage car fair and were exhibited at the Evansville Museum in 2011. The cars spoke to me and helped define and refine the intimate portraits showing their authentic personalitines. They have come from the fields and wars and junkyards and have covered miles and been mended more times than most of us can imagine. They have history and much to say if we stop long enough to listen.
I used to believe that only nature could affect me this way but thru these cars I've discovered a different side - a different voice.
'56 Red and Olds - Evansville IN - 2010
All work on this website is the copyrighted property of the artist - Karen Genter
No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without written consent from Karen Genter
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